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Due to a planned power outage, our services will be reduced today June 15 starting at am PDT until the work is complete. We apologize for the inconvenience. Over two hundred social dance manuals from the digital collections of the Library of Congress spanning the years to are available here.
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Media Type Media Type. Year Year. Collection Collection. Creator Creator. Language Language. Sketches relative to the history and theory, but more especially to the practice of dancing Intended as hints to the young teachers of the art of dancing. This manual begins with a discussion on the importance of dance for youth and outlines the origins of dance. Although much of the historical and theoretical text is borrowed from other dance writers--notably Giovanni-Andrea Gallini and John Weaver--the manual is important for its description of the Scotch reel and accompanying ten reel steps.
Topics: Authors: F: Francis Peacock La danse. Comment on dansait, comment on danse. Technique de Mme Berthe Bernay Illustrations de M. This manual is an extensive history of dance that incorporates many countries, cultures, and periods including Chinese, Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, ancient Gaul, European Renaissance, and Baroque.
The manual also covers popular culture, peasant dance, and "foreign dance. The point of view is clearly western, and this is evident in the music examples that accompany almost every country Topics: Authors: :, Titles: L. Public dance halls, their regulation and place in the recreation of adolescents,. This pamphlet discusses the legislative regulation of public dance halls in twenty-eight states.
Some of the regulations undertaken by the states include restrictions on attendance, hours of operation, supervision, and regulation of the physical and social conditions of the hall. The author also discusses some of the regulations and ordinances of cities including one from Lincoln, Nebraska that required patrons to keep their bodies at least six inches apart.
Topics: Authors: E: Ella Gardner How to dance. A complete ball-room and party guide. Containing all the latest figures, together with old-fashioned and contra dances now in general use. Also, a guide to ballroom etiquette, toilets, and general useful information for dancers. Designed for people, who never learned to dance either because of bashfulness or lack of time or money, this manual covers the bare necessities of dress, introductions, and general etiquette. Descriptions are also provided for quadrilles, schottisch, polka, redowa, waltz, several country dances.
The manual concludes with rules for the supper room and advice to waltzers. Topics: Authors: :, Titles: H.
The treasures of Terpsichore; or, A companion for the ballroom. Being a collection of all the most popular English country dances, arrange alphabetically, with proper figures to each dance.
One of several treatises devoted to English country dancing by Thomas Wilson, dancing master to the King's Theatre, this manual consists of an alphabetical listing of country dances and their figures. Lamenting the present state of country dancing, the author fears "it [will] be perverted into a chaos of riot and confusion" p.
Wilson's other manuals on the subject contain detailed text, tables, and diagrams to explain the figures. Their titles include An analysis of country Topics: Authors: T: T. A translation of La danse des salons , this manual provides important information on mid-nineteenth-century ballroom dance.
Following a format utilized by many manuals, the work begins with introductory comments on dance, followed by a description of the French quadrille. Topics: Authors: C: Cellarius. Orchesography; or, The art of dancing by characters and demonstrative figures. Whereby any person who understands dancing m. Paris [? Paris, L'auteur, Topics: Authors: M: mr. Desrat begins his work with a description of dances that were still in vogue at the turn of the century: Boston waltz, cake walk, Berlin, pas de patineurs, and Washington-Post a two step.
A history of ancient dance follows and the discussion begins with Greek and Roman origins; this is followed by a discussion of "modern dances," which Desrat describes as pavane, gavotte, branle, and the minuet. Much of Desrat's historical text is borrowed heavily from previously published sources Topics: Authors: D: Desrat.
The modern dance; a historical and analytical treatment of the subject; religious, social, hygienic, industrial aspects as viewed by the pulpit, the press, medical authorities, municipal authorities, social workers, etc. This is the second published edition of a sermon Ham delivered as part of an evangelistic campaign in Palestine, Texas in and his arguments are typical of this genre of antidance literature.
Although Ham and other writers recognize dance in the Bible, it was interpreted as only danced by women, never in closed rooms, and never at night. Also typical of this type of manual, the author includes a list of other denunciations from Catholic, Jewish, Episcopal church leaders. And, in an unusual Topics: Authors: W: Will N. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, libro, altra volta, chiamato Il ballarino. In this significant manual detailing late-Renaissance Italian court dance, dancing master Caroso redefines and, in some cases, corrects information found in his first treatise, Il ballarino The manual gives rules for sixty-eight steps and contains specific choreographies for forty-nine dances.
This manual was reissued in The Ball-room instructer [! This manual, small enough to fit into a pocket, declares it contains "all the information which is interesting to the world of dancing" [p. In fact, like many nineteenth-century dance manuals, the text is heavily borrowed from numerous sources and compiled by a publisher.
Its format is common for this type of manual and it begins with a discussion on etiquette followed by description of quadrilles--popular group dances performed by four couples facing in a square.
Although, the Topics: Authors: :, Titles: T. Unlike many other nineteenth-century antidance writers who base their arguments on Scripture, Wilkinson asks that his readers formulate their opinions on reason, conscience, and common sense.
In fact, Wilkinson argues that he is not an enemy of dance and declares it to be perfectly innocent. His argument is against the "modern manner of dancing" that requires expensive clothing and the "massing together of a jostling crowd of mute or merely gibbering animals. Topics: Authors: W: W. The etiquette section of this manual anticipates many nineteenth-century concerns regarding decorum and bodily control and some of the ill manners described include "swinging the arms, and all other awkward gestures" and "leaning on the shoulder, or chair of another person.
The manual Topics: Authors: Y: youth of both sexes This is the second antidance treatise published by ex-dancing master Faulkner, which he suggests was needed "because the dance craze has developed with such incredible rapidity. Much of Faulkner's diatribe consists of testimonials against women, whom he feels need to be protected from dancing, "one of the most irresistible and dangerous attractions.
This manual is devoted entirely to the art of calling figures for the quadrille. The book provides the figures for quadrilles and gives the appropriate calls. Topics: Authors: P: Prof. Ball-room dancing without a master, and complete guide to the etiquette, toilet, dress and management of the ball-room; with all the principal dances in popular use.
This manual suggests that anyone can learn to dance without the aid of a teacher and, after providing a short discussion on organizing balls, appropriate dress, and etiquette, the book focuses on the popular ballroom dances of the era--quadrilles, polka, schottisch, polka mazurka, and varsoviana.
This "do it yourself mentality was common during the late nineteenth century and this particular dance manual was reissued in under the title Offenbach's dancing without a master. Topics: Authors: :, Titles: B.
The art of dancing, comprising its theory and practice, and a history of its rise and progress, from the earliest times Translated under the author's immediate inspection. This is one of several books written by Italian dancer, choreographer, and writer Blasis It covers the history and theory of dance, pantomime, the composition of ballets, and contains a section devoted to social dances entitled "private dancing.
Topics: Authors: R: R.
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