Multiple monitors citrix workspace

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Multiple monitors citrix workspace 



Applicable Products.Multiple monitors citrix workspace


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Multiple monitors citrix workspace.Dual Monitor Support With Citrix Workspace


DPI scaling is a critical consideration when using high-resolution monitors over x with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. Without the proper product versions and configuration, the Citrix session could be displayed at resolutions and scales that diverge from the local client configuration, resulting in blurry text and incorrect sizing of graphics.

This is the recommended mode for all cases that meet the following system requirements:. Default mode starting with CWA for Windows Without this key, the VDA will ignore the DPI scale settings of the client for all virtual app sessions, which may result in very small multiple monitors citrix workspace and graphics.

Default mode with all versions of CWA for Windows up to This mode is not supported with mixed DPI settings, where multiple monitors are connected to the local Windows client and configured with different DPI scales.

Failed to load featured products content, Please try again. Customers who viewed this article also viewed. Log in to Verify Download Permissions. Information DPI scaling is a critical consideration when using пост! syncmaster 170mp manual каком-то monitors over x with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. Important considerations: Text and graphics may appear blurry as multiple monitors citrix workspace result of the upscaling or stretching of the Citrix session. May decrease performance продолжить connecting to sessions using legacy graphics mode.

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